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Veteran Benefits

The Veterans Administration is probably the best kept secret in senior health care. The VA is a wonderful organization that helps veterans in many ways. Probably the two most beneficial programs for older veterans are their prescription drug program and their Aid and Attendance program.

Prescription Drug Program

To find out if you qualify for financial assistance with your medications, contact the veteran’s hospital or clinic nearest you. If you are not sure if there are any in your area, contact your county Veteran Service Office (VSO). Call us at 205-397-0826 if you need assistance.

Aid and Attendance

Aid and Attendance is a reimbursement of medical expenses for those who qualify. It pays as much as $1,949 per month for a married veteran with a dependent spouse, $1,644 for a single veteran and $1,056 for the spouse of a deceased veteran.

To qualify, the veteran needed to have served for at least 90 days of active duty, at least one day during wartime, and honorably discharged.

The applicant requires the daily assistance of someone to help with activities of daily living.

The applicant needs to satisfy the requirement that they are spending more for their care per month than their monthly income.

The applicant needs to meet certain asset requirements that vary with circumstances.

At Aegis Asset Protection & Investments we can advise applicants on what is necessary to complete a successful application for Aid and Attendance. Call us at 205-397-0826 for a FREE assessment to see if you qualify.

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2107 Second Avenue North | Birmingham, AL 35203 | Phone: 205-397-0826 | Fax: 205-322-5420
Email: | Alabama DOI # 406364 | NPN # 11749349
This information is not affiliated with or endorsed by government agencies.

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